Duns Number

IDuns Numbern today’s global economy, D&B’s Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S® Number) is the widely recognized standard for identifying businesses among thousands of companies, marketplaces and regulatory entities. Companies worldwide use it to link information about suppliers, customers and trading partners, providing a more complete picture of the risk and opportunity in their business relationships. No one else has this capacity to identify, verify, and inter-relate businesses to find new customers, reduce credit exposure, generate vendor savings and prevent fraud.

Its unique nine-digit code helps you identify more than 160 million company locations worldwide. Used by the world’s most influential standards-setting organizations, the D&B D-U-N-S® Number is recognized, recommended or required by Governments and more than 50 global industry and trade associations, including the US Federal Government, the Australian Government and the European Commission. Several of the world’s largest corporations also require their vendors and contractors to have a D&B D-U-N-S® Number.

We assist the organisation to acquire the (D-U-N-S® Number) from D&B.